Honey bees visit hundreds of flowers, sucking up tiny drops of nectar that they store in their stomachs, where it mixes with enzymes to break down the sugars.

When returning to the hive, they transmit the nectar to other bees which, through the ventilation maneuver, evaporate the water contained. After repeating this process for about twenty minutes, it is deposited in the cells of the honeycombs, where it continues to ripen until the humidity is lower than 18%, transforming into honey.

From nectar to honey: a laborious and patient process.

Each honey-filled cell is sealed with wax, called an opercle, ensuring its stability. This sealed honey is preserved in optimal conditions for consumption for many years. From here, the beekeepers begin the process of harvesting and combing the honey.

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We highlight


Honey is a healthy food, rich in nutrients and beneficial for health. Its energy contribution is remarkable for the functioning of the body.

  • Vitamins: present in small amounts and different depending on the type of honey. Thyme, for example, is the richest in Vit C.

  • Organic Acids: the main one is gluconic acid, accompanied by others such as butyric, acetic, formic or oxalic. All of them help in functions of our metabolism.

  • Enzymes: diastase, invertase, glucose-oxidase… which help to simplify sugars so that they are more digestible. They also oxidize glucose, which allows honey to have an antibiotic effect.

  • It helps us recover from exercise and physical efforts.

  • On a gastronomic level, honeys have a wide range of aromas, tastes and textures that allow them to play at the table and in the kitchen.

Varietat de mels


We have a wide selection of honeys with varied aromas and flavors that capture different floral notes.

Organic honey

Organic honey is obtained according to the protocols of organic beekeeping: away from transgenic crops and extensive crops.

Gift packs

We propose a series of lots, ideal for giving a gift or having a good selection of products. In addition, we can customize them according to needs.