Bees collect pollen with amazing meticulousness. In their flight from flower to flower, they use their hind legs to caress the antennae and pollen glands of the flowers. This precise process allows them to collect and compact the pollen into small balls that stick to their legs.

Natural source of vitality and energy.

Once loaded, they return to the hive, where they store this precious resource as an essential source of protein for their brood and other bee products. The beekeeper collects the pollen from the hive carefully, using specific techniques to ensure its quality and preserve the health of the bees.

Pot de pol路len
Pol.len rusc
We highlight


Pollen is considered a superfood due to its high nutritional content.

  • Carbohydrates.

  • Proteins: it is a food very rich in essential amino acids. Pollen, therefore, can be a great supplement for athletes or vegetarians looking for an extra supply of amino acids.

  • Vitamins: it is rich in vitamins A, D, E, C, K, B group and choline, a nutrient that is usually grouped under the B vitamins and which helps the liver to eliminate toxins from the body and is also necessary for the good development of the fetus.

  • Minerals: Pollen is rich in a long list of minerals and trace elements.

  • Enzymes: contains essential enzymes for the body. That’s why pollen can help us improve digestion.

  • Flavonoids: pollen is particularly rich in beta-carotene, a type of natural pigment that helps protect the skin from premature aging. In addition, they are precursors of vitamin A, necessary for cell proliferation, the maintenance of mucous membranes, skin and vision and the normal functioning of the immune system.

We highlight

Beneficial effects of pollen on the body

  • Invigorating and restorative: Thanks to its very high content of nutrients, pollen has the ability to act as a powerful energizer that helps you feel more vigorous, with more strength and more vitality. It provides energy quickly and is a great regenerator for cells and tissues.

  • Regulates digestive functions: Pollen helps regulate the functioning of the digestive system, whether there is constipation or diarrhoea. In addition, it contains enzymes that help digest food better. It also contributes to keeping the intestinal flora healthy and, therefore, helps us support the immune system and protect the body from external agents.

  • Improves the health of the skin and eyesight: Pollen, thanks to beta-carotene and its high content of trace elements, such as zinc, can help us improve the condition of the skin and take care of it and also improve the sight and to prevent the appearance of eye diseases.

  • Improves prostate health: Pollen is rich in zinc and vitamin E, two very interesting nutrients for prostate health.

Pot pol路len


Pollen is considered a superfood thanks to the high concentration of nutrients it contains.

Pol路len ecol貌gic

Organic pollen

Organic pollen is obtained according to the protocols of organic beekeeping: away from transgenic and extensive crops.

Pol路len fresc

Fresh pollen

Unlike dry pollen, this pollen has not been dried. It is frozen the same day it is harvested in order to keep all its properties intact.